Hardware Technologies For Game Platforms

HCI (Human Computer Interface)
Human–computer interaction (commonly referred to as HCI) researches the design and use of computer technology, focused on the interfaces between people (users) and computers. Researchers in the field of HCI both observe the ways in which humans interact with computers and design technologies that let humans interact with computers in novel ways.
The HCI is when a study of how we react and come into connect with the technology of today such as our mobiles and the computers,consoles of our present day.
The way this is done is doing simple activities and running them through a program or system to see how we are doing this can be shown by Humans Vs a Monkey.

Graphics Card
A Graphics cards is something that is put into a computer or a console to process  our image or game into a display unit, the better the graphics card the better the quality and resolution of out image presented on our screen, the resolution of our highest resolution.
The main job for a GC is to process and control a image on our displays. it also has the job of taking the processing data of an image off the main processor and RAM, because these have jobs of there own inside of a computer or a graphical display unit like our phones,Consoles or laptops.

The best of display for us to use at the moment is 4k display screens and 1080p for videos on youtube or other video websites, My laptop can run 1080p with no problem.
The idea of a better display and better resolution is to bring a better experience to the people watching or playing the game.

Gaming Storage
Our gaming storage has changed over the years from being on memory cards for such things as the PS1 and its memory card to save game progress, but if you didnt have one you would leave it running all the time so you wouldn't lose any progression, the came built in memory units called Hard drives,
all technology has them these days with also external places other the hard drives to save documents or any applicants that you not need at the moment but maybe later.
The cloud, is one of the main external storage units for our data.

The connectivity is a big part in today social interactions weither that be in game, social media or in a bussiness work area, but the main one everyone will be familer with is in game multiplayer, which is a big way of connectivity with Playstation,Xbox,Steam and many others, these applicants have connectivty in games for us to play with friends all other the globe, this is all done with out Wifi or ethernet cables connected to a modem.

Processing Unit
The bases of a processor is to work through all our data, to make it into something basically processing it down into a code to make it to work.
This can change a way a computer in its performance better processor the quicker things are done, computer is done, this only comes into effect of when you are able to change the processor but you couldnt do this with a Console that already has one in because you wouldnt know if it would be compatable with other things inside like Graphics cards, this is why picking a processor is key and very important and cant be just random.

Memory is used alot in our day to day life with that being taking a picture, saving a gaming clip but our memory can only hold so much so we have to use other means of saving date, agian the cloud, but with just memory its self you can have other or more RAM installed and applied to you computers or laptops, but with a console you would have to just get more hardrives for your data,

Sound is a form of tiny vibrations that we hear and process in our brain to make sound, but there are many ways of sound being projected to us from means of our Headphones that we use in gaming, our soundsaroud systems in our living rooms to give a better emurse felling to being a certain setting this is very affetive in the gaming world of being on a battle field. or in a stadium while playing fifa to give you the feeling of acctual being there, sounds around will be great to add with the VR or other vitual reality simulators, to give you better experince. 
A device or program for connecting two items of hardware or software so that they can be operated jointly or communicate with each other.
‘an application program interface’

 An exsample of  this would be if a laptop had a sound/recording softaware installed, sand then you owned a usb drive to transfer all the data round and you would have your own little studio

Power Supply
The power supply is what is used to get power to your device, many things such as phones,laptops have a unit where it is possible to charge up and use potable this is seen with alot of potable devices.
power packs where constant power is needed for your device to work.