Task 1 Game Platform Development Timeline

This is the timeline of the main generation of the gaming evolution from the Magnavox Odyssey to the new titans of our generation the Ps4 and Xbox One

Generation One- Magnavox Odyssey was nick named the brown box because its pine wood visual style.
The controller for this console was simple which was just a dial on the left being horizontal and right being vertical of a white box that you could hold, The games was simple and where made from pixels which we would call Bits the odyssey preformed on a 8-Bit graphics system which was the highest of its time after the rush of arcade and now home computer systems being the next step in the gaming life.
Arcades didn't die though they just slowly became a thing of the past because of company creating consoles and home gaming systems that could allow you to play your favorite arcade games from your home. Such games as Pong, Super Mario and Donkey Kong probably the most memorable games of their era.

Generation Two- The Atari 5200 is next on the list this console brought one of the highest revenue games by 1990 with a price of : Revenue by 1990: $3,500,000,000

The Atari was the first to bring out the idea of a joystick as the main controller which enabled 4-directional movement for games,the next big impact for the joystick style was the Nintendo 64 and then the dual stick controllers from PlayStation in 1994.

Generation Three- NES is the start of the controller era which influenced  further controllers such as the PlayStation and Xbox controllers.

Generation 4- The SuperMega Drive was another console to focus the idea of having a controller (pad) only this was 6 years before the PlayStation had introduced the joystick on a controller.
The SegaMega Drive can still be purchased for £98.49 cheaper then its original price even though its a classic.
The SMD was operating on a 16-Bit graphics.
So between 3 Generations there has been a massive change to the controllers from being dials to hand held pads, and the graphics evolving and started to add polygons.

Generation 5- The Playstation probably the main start to what was about to bring a whole new meaning to gaming and the evolution of games.
The PS1 was the first to introduce the dual stick pad which was the concept as the NES controller with an extra two implemented joystick, but having two made movement and visual view a new level which helped with newer fps games to this date, if it wasn't for PS1 none of our favourite games to this date would be possible.

Generation-6 was time for Microsoft to put there processing units in to a console which game birth to Xbox which got its name from its processor Xenon.
From this began the 'Which is better Playstation or Xbox' this happened all between the next consoles to be released from Sony and Microsoft with every new console was brought out to the present Generations, the titans of computers XBOX ONE & PS4.
The main reason it was a competition with the two it was based on what could do what, this had this and this had this, but in general they both do the same job bring entertainment to the players and the gaming community.

Generation 7- The Wii
The company of Nintendo made a break through of motion capture and motion sensor controllers
the Remote and Nunchuck which was a simple design to fit comfortable into you hands with.
either if you was left or right handed it was symmetrical and would let you hold it anyway possible.

The next big jump for the computers and gaming in its own way is to bring the gamin world to life, for it to be infront of you and in arms reach.
for this introduce the Visual Simulators of our time Playstations VR and Microsofts Hololens