Task 1 – Software Technologies for Game Platforms

You must select two computer games and discuss the following in relation to your chosen games;

·         Platform Dependency
·         Operating Systems used
·         Drivers Needed
·         Application Software used (Programming)
·         Graphical API
·         Sound API
·         TV

Your discussion of your chosen games must be presented in the form of two word processed reports which should also include researched imagery and a video example for each game.

The title of this work should be titled Software Technologies for Game Platforms

Task 1 – Platform Game Showcasing Research

In addition, you must use Construct 2 to produce a platform game that will showcase your knowledge and research gathered for your previous Unit 20 assignment. You will need to submit a single file executable version of your completed research platform game. You will also need to produce a desktop screen-captured video of your game being played.

The title of this work should be titled Platform Game Showcasing Research

                                                                                           This provides evidence for P3, M3, D3

Platform dependency is when you find out if you are able to run applicants the main way this is used and seen as useful is for PC gaming because you can change and improve its internals to make your device and system run a lot better.

operating systems used are what basically makes your computer run, the three most common is Microsoft windows, Mac OS X and Linux. These are the most common os's to the modern date of today.

Drivers needed is what you need to download so that your computer can run a lot better and so that it can run proper.
Sound driver- 

Network driver-

Graphics driver -

Application software used is basically for all you managing such as file management and disk operating system.

API is a set of protocols that and tools that start building the software applications for you computer.
API's are used when programming graphical UI's
Graphic api;
Vulcan -
Direct X -
Open GL -

Open Gl is basically the industries highest performance for graphical design so many game artist may use this driver rather then Direct X which is for the xbox so is based around being able to run a game rather then make one which is GL strongest point when Direct X is to run a game.
Vulcan being the best of today and has help from the leading computer designers and processor's
and also being in not just PC but mobiles and embedded platforms. 

DirectSound is a deprecated software component of the Microsoft DirectX library for the Windows operating system. DirectSound provides a low-latency interface to sound card drivers written for Windows 95 through Windows XP and can handle the mixing and recording of multiple audio streams.

TV- is basically all the different types of tv how they are connected like Scart, AC(RYB) cables and now the main of our time being HDMI this is to make our pictures to be projected a lot more clearer and so it looks better and more realistic.
Over Watch